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May 07, 2009


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The lease with the City Of Pacifica expires on June 30, 2009.

The city did or said nothing about extending this lease.

All possible indicators show the city is ready to cut its losses with Whole Energy Fuels.

The city got sold on a dog-and-pony show and it is on the hook for all the unpaid bills.

Local, state, and federal agencies are still looking into Whole Energy Fuels and the City Of Pacifica. I cannot say any more.

The city and Whole Energy are both to blame. The city should have looked into Whole Energy more closely.

First, they only had about 1/3rd of the money to build the plant from the state grant and would never name the "investors." The city got caught up in this dog-and-pony show a few years ago, with certain unnamed investors trying to buy a local landmark business and real estate. "Big hat, no cattle," as my rancher friends always say

To say the fines are a slap on the wrist is really talking out of line.

I think if City Hall really had done the homework and studied Whole Energy Fuels, this fiasco would not have happened.

Did anyone bother to ask for a credit report for the officers or a Dun & Bradstreet report on Whole Energy? Or audited financials? Probably not.

Taxpayer money will pay for the fines and penalties and the unpaid work, and Whole Energy will go back to Washington and quickly forget about Pacifica.

Filing a lawsuit against them will probably never recover a dime.

Also, one last tidbit. When one agency is done with Whole Energy and the city, then the other agencies pile on and start to look into this.

Stayed tuned. The really good stuff is just about ready to hit the fan!!!!

The hole that was dug by WEF has been filled in to prevent further damage to the site.

All due respect to Todd Bray (and I will concede he has done some very fine reporting!) but there are some significant details of this incident that have yet to make the public record. There are other agencies and other reports still to be filed. Stay tuned.

And what happens if permits are gained, construction starts, and we still don't know where the financing is coming from?
The taxpayer takes the risk yet again, as it's city land this is being done on.
"Better to ask forgiveness than permission".

"the punishment fits the crime"

Uh, yeah. Unless it's a crime that council or their little cadre have committed -- in that case, all sins are apparently forgiven.

It's official. This city has fallen victim to a coup of a confederacy of dunces.

Dan, WEF knew the condition of its permit before trenching started. Rather I'd say hands are washing hands.

"The outcome of Whole Energy Fuels' Coastal Act violation of illegally starting construction without a completed permit amounts to little more than a slap on the wrist."

I draw from this that the punishment fits the crime. We do our best to dot every I and cross every tee and sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. I see no reason to suspect criminal intent.

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