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August 17, 2009


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Will you please quit citing tiresome facts, PLEASE! My fantasy is my reality.

Summer, er, Kathy says, "The common good in this case is surely the SF taxpayer, who subsidizes this course for $millions annually."

It's tiresome to have to keep repeating this, but according to the SF Budget Analyst report issued in April of this year, Sharp Park Golf Course cost SF taxpayers $42,784. Not millions. It also said if the revenues from the golf course go away, there will be no source of revenue to offset the remaining costs of maintaining the land.


Kathy, are you an S F taxpayer? Yes or no.

"SF residents or not -- are a tiny fraction of those who pay for the course."

Again, using your same logic, G G Park should be closed because a tiny fraction of the S F population who pay for it use it regularly.

While we're at it, let's close Yosemite and every other National Park because a tiny fraction of U S residents who pay for them really use these parks as well.

Do you see how silly your argument is? Is it money or snakes and frogs you are worried about? Make up your mind.

The common good in this case is surely the SF taxpayer, who subsidizes this course for $millions annually. Those who play the course-- SF residents or not -- are a tiny fraction of those who pay for the course.

There's a video at www.restoresharppark.org that summarizes use studies, liabilities, etc.

I won't bet against Todd on this one. In the KGO report, even Mirkarimi didn't seem all that intent on closing the golf course.

Much ado about nothing. I'm taking bets for SPGC staying a golf course.

You nailed it.
Very sweet people trying to enjoy life with minimal imposition on the environment, getting beat up by hard-line eco-fascists. Empathy and activism for our planet is fine, but land grabbing politics is hurting everyone.

sweet people, common good.

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