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April 09, 2010


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"The blue bin I received is WAY too big for my needs."

Me, too. I was trying to figure out which small country I was being mistaken for. I never completely filled the old bins, so larger bins were hardly indicated in my case. I don't really mind the big bins unless I am being charged extra for the larger (way bigger than necessary) size. I am sure that many Pacificans will have real trouble finding a way to store these behemoths.

We received our bins today and frankly I do not think the card I got with the bins could be more clear. If it is not recyclable, it goes in the garbage can. What is so hard about that?

Blue bin, all recyclables except for what is pictured.

Greenwaste/organics, well, just what it says and is pictured.

How much easier could it be?

I just tried this afternoon to drop off Styrofoam "peanuts" at the UPS store and they refused them. They did send me a few doors down to Suite D??, and they did take them as long as they were clean and dry.

I am glad to hear that there are smaller blue cans available. I drove out of Rockaway last night after drop-off of the blue and green cans occurred and it was a bit surreal seeing all of those cans at the curb in pristine condition.

RECOLOGY OF THE COAST tends to focus on what items we do take versus what items we don't take in our flyers. All items you have a concern about are mentioned in our very informational RECYCLOPEDIA that will be part of a larger brochure we are currently working on that will be titled the RECOLOGY OF THE COAST ANNUAL CALENDAR, SERVICE BROCHURE, AND RECYCLOPEDIA. This booklet will cover all aspects of the operation, such as recycling yard, debris boxes, office operation, and all recycling and composting programs. Two company reps will be at the EARTH DAY and POOCH PARK festivities to pass out literature and answer questions. We have had two flyers mailed, one delivered with the toters, articles in the TRIB, info on the RIPTIDE and FIX PACIFICA blogs, and we are working on a video segment with Channel 26, so we are trying to use all venues available for communication with our customers. Finally, all customers will receive a card in the mail in the next few months allowing them to select the size of garbage cart they will need, either 20, 32, 48, or 64 gallons. These carts will be delivered in August, so until then our customers should continue to use their current garbage can. The new programs begin on the week of May 3 and GARBAGE, RECYCLING, AND GREENWASTE/ORGANICS ARE STILL PICKED UP ON THE SAME DAY, WITH THE ONLY CHANGE BEING GREENWASTE/ORGANICS ARE PICKED UP EVERY WEEK AND RECYCLING EVERY OTHER WEEK.

I contacted Recology and inquired how to dispose of articles not recyclable, compostable, or donate-able. I received a very prompt response from Chris Porter with instructions to "use your regular garbage container until August when we will send out a card asking what size garbage can you want...20, 32, 48, or 64 [gallons]."

The blue bin I received is WAY too big for my needs and the space where I keep my bins. (Haven't received the green bin yet.) I called them and was told that if you want a smaller bin, you can swap out the bigger one for a smaller one. The rep said to call back the end of May to order the small bin for delivery in June. She didn't know how much smaller the bin will be.

The UPS store now takes only packing "peanuts" (Styrofoam pellets) under certain circumstances. There isn't as much shipping (commerce) as there was before, so they simply aren't as valuable as they were.

And John, quit yer bitchin' and moanin' about the flyer being inadequate. Whaddya want for the highest garbage collection rates in San Mateo County? Clarity ain't in the cards comin' from government or their minions.

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