July 28, 2022


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What is Pacifica waiting for, a fire like the one in Oroville today?

"Updated: 9:55 a.m. Pacifica Police say they detained an 11-year-old boy at the scene of a vegetation fire on Wednesday afternoon. The fire burned about three acres and sent large plumes of smoke over the city.

The fire started on the 600 block of Roberts Road, near Crespi Drive, shortly before 5 p.m. on Wednesday. It grew to at least two alarms and caused the closure of Roberts Road for about two hours as crews worked to contain the fire.

On Thursday morning, Pacifica Police issued a release saying that while they were on the scene an 11-year-old boy told them that he was using fireworks in the area and was responsible for the fire. He was placed under arrest and charged with misdemeanor unlawfully causing a fire, according to the release, and subsequently released to his parents."

Police on scene stated fire was started by fireworks ignited behind the Cabrillo School garden.

Two years ago the Ortega Elementary School greenhouse was burned to the ground when kids threw fireworks through the roof vents.

Two weeks ago HWY 92 at Canada was shut down when a fireworks lit grassfire swept through the area.


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