Pacifica Planning Commission is considering a reclamation plan to dump imported soil in Rockaway Quarry, 146 truck trips a day for four years. The videos below explain the plan, which is huge in scope and would negatively affect the quarry recreation area, Highway 1 traffic, and Vallemar School. If you live in or visit Pacifica, you need to make your voice heard to the Planning Commission and City Council.
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There are a lot of "forever" chemicals in industrial waste soils of the East Bay. Is that the 'gift' that is being proposed?
Alameda Naval Air Station is a superfund clean-up site.
The offer to truck in unknown soils for four years is a deeply dangerous Trojan Horse: just a teaspoon of "forever" chemicals can pollute a whole area, and this will be thousands of trucks full of soil, with all sorts of unknowns.
Were Pacifica to accept this proposed dumping of used industrial waste soils into the quarry, would it open itself to lawsuits up and down the coast as "forever" chemicals leach into other communities? Would homeowners-- no longer able to even live here, let alone sell-- sue the City of Pacifica for permitting a toxic waste dump in town?
Posted by: Jay Bird | May 03, 2024 at 11:32 AM
Dumping waste onto the quarry, as if it is a garbage dump. Who knows what's in the soil? It doesn't make sense that it's cheaper to dump tons of dirt onto an eroding coast-- rather than truck it inland to an existing garbage dump.
What is in that dirt?
Foreign dirt dumped onto coastal soils is pollution. Who wants that, other than people who don't live here and are making money off the deal?
Is Pacifica ready to be a GARBAGE DUMP?
Posted by: Jay Bird | May 03, 2024 at 11:07 AM